Friday, December 30, 2011

Passion and Focus, A Board Requirement for Excellence

For a governing board to accomplish anything of significance regarding the quality of it governance, much less excellence, it, too, must have passion, i.e., care deeply, for its work. I say “too” because CEOs and employees are told all the time that they must have passion for the mission, and boards are told the same occasionally. But not passion for what should be their work - governing the organization well. No attitude of passion for governing with excellence and the board ends up reverting to old habits, i.e., passive laziness and reactive governance. I have seen it over and over. The board starts excited to improve (or, for example, implement Policy Governance) but stalls out (much to the growing cynicism of the CEO). However, couple passion with a clear vision for governing with excellence, and the board begins to focus. Focus results in persistence (follow-through on its original intent), and focus, coupled with follow-through, results in a developing character of tenacity and endurance to reach the goal - the board’s goal of excellent governance. Excellent governance transforms the organization and attracts excellent CEOs.

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